The first commercial I ever made was for 7-up and it was a train wreck. Our budget was pretty much non-existent, the script was a total hack job, and don’t even get me started on the talent. I think our strategy was 7-up: It's so clear you might think it's water, but it's not. Terrible, I know. Our strategist was going through a divorce. I was seven.
Since then my life has been a series of poems, plays, short stories, at least 3 different novel beginnings that I have every intention of finishing I just have a lot going on right now, and of course - lots and lots of ad copy.
It’s been a long meandering journey that has finally brought me here to you. On this screen. Right before your very eyes like some kind of existential magic trick. Where are we going and what does it all mean?
I haven’t the foggiest, but I’m happy to write about it.
Tissue Session. Age 9